Chocolate Truffle Cake from Dessert Designs
It's been awhile.
A long while.
No, I didn't quit eating.
It started out as taking a break.
And turned into something much more than that.
It went from being a busy fall into Thanksgiving.
And then it went to hell.
A yearly mammogram gone horribly wrong.
Ten days later a stereotactic biopsy.
A diagnosis the day before Christmas Eve.
Two weeks later a lumpectomy.
Followed a month later by thirty three days of radiation.
That ended today.
I was lucky.
No lymph nodes involved.
No chemo necessary and voluntary radiation to be sure the cancer cells were gone.
And no follow up pill.
As one doctor at Vanderbilt said, "if you had to pick a breast cancer to have, this would be it."
I'll remember that.
Food wise, there were a lot of Stouffer's Macaroni and Cheese suppers, my personal go-to for stress eating.
And there were lots of wonderful meals, shared with Groom by a warm fire and surrounded by four leggedy loved ones.
There were lots of Sundays with precious child Kate, watching Glee and Modern Family.
Many close friends who kept food, wine, laughter and books flowing around us as Groom and I found our way together through a difficult time.
And mother, always there, reminding me of who I am and how to keep going.
And get cooking.
And start Feeding Groom.