Saturday, August 30, 2008

Frank's Pickled Okra

The Recipe from Cotton Country, a Junior League Cookbook

The Okra

The Long Red Chiles

The Boiling Jars

Garlic and Dill Seed

The Process Begins..

And Continues..

There's One in Every Crowd!

Ten Minutes in a Hot Bath

We're Done!

Wait for three weeks before eating. Make as many as you can. These go fast.
Happy Labor Day!


  1. Damn. That looks epic. Can't wait to hear how they taste...I like the action shots.

  2. Can you beleive I've never had Okra?

  3. Yum! This is the only way that I will eat Okra!

  4. Now this looks like something I have, have to try. I have to pick up some okra soon and get them stuffed into jars.

  5. LOVE the play-by-play action shots...well done!

  6. i have yet to can or pickle a thing...

    i am an okra fan though!

  7. pickled okra, eh? the only way i've ever eaten is fried, and boy, it's great like that. perhaps it's time for me to branch out and try something different. :)

  8. These photos are great! Check you out! They really tell the story. We are still eating last year's sweet pickled okra, so we may just have an epic okra roast instead of pickling. And h ey, thanks for the community cookbook bump!


Tell me what you think!